May 2024
Richard DeKorte Park, Lyndhurst, NJ; State Line Lookout, Palisades Parkway (1 May 2024
Sunspots! (8 May 2024
Central Park (11 May 2024
Corvid, Not Covid! (17 May 2024
Central Park (19 May 2024
Raven and Raptors (20 May 2024

Richard DeKorte Park, Lyndhurst, NJ; State Line Lookout, Palisades Parkway

1 May 2024

It went to two places today. First, I went to Richard DeKorte Park. It's a former landfill, but with a lot of wetlands and shallow water, which makes it great for birds.

Red-winged blackbird

May 01, 2024
1/320, f/16.0, ISO 1250, 400.0 mm

Tree swallow

May 01, 2024
1/320, f/20.0, ISO 1600, 400.0 mm

This picture is interesting because it shows courtship behavior among a pair of tree swallows.

Tree swallow

May 01, 2024
1/320, f/7.1, ISO 160, 400.0 mm

The gull has snagged a crab!

Herring gull

May 01, 2024
1/320, f/8.0, ISO 100, 400.0 mm

Great egret

May 01, 2024
1/320, f/14.0, ISO 250, 400.0 mm

Song sparrow

May 01, 2024
1/400, f/13.0, ISO 360, 400.0 mm

I couldn't tell if this was a lesser yellowlegs or a greater. I suspect the latter.


May 01, 2024
1/400, f/14.0, ISO 640, 400.0 mm

Brown-headed cowbird

May 01, 2024
1/320, f/9.0, ISO 2500, 400.0 mm

State Line Lookout

The osprey and the vultures were at State Line Lookout. In one sense, it's a highway rest area. But there are a number of hiking trails and some excellent viewing areas overlooking the Hudswon River. In fact, it's so popular that there is often metered parking—which sure isn't like any other highway rest area I've ever seen.

The osprey appears to be eating something, presumably a fish.


May 01, 2024
1/320, f/14.0, ISO 400, 400.0 mm

Turkey vulture

May 01, 2024
1/320, f/18.0, ISO 560, 280.0 mm

Black vulture

May 01, 2024
1/320, f/18.0, ISO 640, 400.0 mm

This decrepit building appealed to me as a photographic subject.

May 01, 2024
1/80, f/20.0, ISO 2800, 100.0 mm


8 May 2024

Per, there is now a giant sunspot, visible to the naked eye if you have left-over eclipse glasses handy. Well, I don't, but I do have the solar filter for my camera.

May 07, 2024
1/400, f/14.0, ISO 250, 400.0 mm

Central Park

11 May 2024

Today was a lovely day for birding. The prize shots, of course, are the male and female scarlet tanagers.

Scarlet tanager (female)

May 11, 2024
1/320, f/6.3, ISO 900, 400.0 mm

scarlet tanager (male)

May 11, 2024
1/320, f/7.1, ISO 8000, 400.0 mm

Northern parula

May 11, 2024
1/320, f/7.1, ISO 800, 400.0 mm

Rose-breasted grosbeak (female)

May 11, 2024
1/400, f/5.6, ISO 4500, 400.0 mm

Grey catbird

May 11, 2024
1/320, f/5.6, ISO 2000, 400.0 mm

Double-crested cormorant

May 11, 2024
1/320, f/8.0, ISO 560, 400.0 mm

Red-winged blackbird (male)

May 11, 2024
1/320, f/6.3, ISO 8000, 400.0 mm

Downy woodpecker

May 11, 2024
1/400, f/7.1, ISO 3600, 400.0 mm

Corvid, Not Covid!

17 May 2024

I spent a while this afternoon with my camera on a tripod, pointed at the common raven's nest on the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. I had thought there were two chicks but I only saw one today. Perhaps the other has fledged or perhaps it has met with some mishap. (Pictures taken the same day as mine show two chicks even more clearly than my pictures do.)

Of particular interest is this video, showing the chick engaging in what looked like eating motions. Food dropped by a parent in the third picture? Leftovers? I can't tell.

Common raven

May 17, 2024
1/125, f/11.0, ISO 1400, 800.0 mm
May 17, 2024
1/200, f/11.0, ISO 1600, 800.0 mm
May 17, 2024
1/200, f/11.0, ISO 1600, 800.0 mm
May 17, 2024
1/200, f/11.0, ISO 1600, 800.0 mm

Central Park

19 May 2024

Grey catbird

May 19, 2024
1/400, f/11.0, ISO 8000, 800.0 mm

Northern cardinal (female)

May 19, 2024
1/320, f/11.0, ISO 7200, 450.0 mm

Scarlet tanager (male)

May 19, 2024
1/400, f/11.0, ISO 8000, 800.0 mm

Red-bellied woodpecker

This bird was so close I had to zoom way out to get it all in the frame.
May 19, 2024
1/320, f/11.0, ISO 8000, 310.0 mm
May 19, 2024
1/320, f/11.0, ISO 8000, 300.0 mm
May 19, 2024
1/320, f/11.0, ISO 8000, 800.0 mm

Red-winged blackbird (male)

May 19, 2024
1/320, f/11.0, ISO 8000, 800.0 mm

Great egret

May 19, 2024
1/320, f/11.0, ISO 1000, 440.0 mm

Double-crested cormorant

May 19, 2024
1/320, f/11.0, ISO 1600, 800.0 mm

Reflecting on things I cannot seeā€¦

May 19, 2024
1/3700, f/1.8, ISO 32, 4.2 mm

Raven and Raptors

20 May 2024

I didn't see any activity in the raven nest today, though there was one raven vocalizing loudly very close to it. (I thought I heard two but only briefly, and I only saw one.)

The more interesting sighting was of a peregrine falcon on one of the usual perches on Riverside Church. That's been a traditional nesting area for falcons for a very long time. Last year, though, it was covered by scaffolding, blocking access to the nest. Last December, I saw two falcons around the area, so I was optimistic, but I never saw any signs of nesting after that. In fact, the last time I saw any peregrines there was in mid-February. Thus, when I saw one adult today, I figured it was just perching there while hunting. But now I wonder.

Looking back at my pictures from today, there's a curious thing. The first picture shows the falcon looking down, as if it's trying to spot some prey. Fair enough—that's consistent with it using a nice, convenient high perch. The last two show that the bird has moved to a ledge of the church where it can see both north and west. But look at the second falcon picture: it's on top of the gargoyle, looking into the recess. In fact, it kept more or less that pose for more than five minutes. What was it looking at? Chicks? Maybe! Three years ago, I got some nice shots of nestlings who were almost but not quite ready to fledge, and that was in mid-June. Maybe there is a nest this year, and I was just unlucky all of the times I checked it between mid-February and today. I'll certainly be checking back!

Common raven

May 20, 2024
1/320, f/11.0, ISO 5600, 800.0 mm

Peregrine falcon

May 20, 2024
1/320, f/11.0, ISO 1000, 800.0 mm
May 20, 2024
1/320, f/16.0, ISO 1400, 800.0 mm
May 20, 2024
1/320, f/16.0, ISO 220, 800.0 mm
May 20, 2024
1/320, f/16.0, ISO 560, 800.0 mm